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What size pots do your plants come in?

Plants area grown in two different sized pots, The Little Tacker and The Big Fella.


The Little Tacker is the smallest of the two and is perfect if you're wanting to save some money on the plant and shipping costs. While you can plant this size direct in the ground, It's best to plant it into a bigger sized pot* until it gets a bit bigger.


The Big Fella has a fuller root system and can be planted in the ground** or in a bigger pot*. Choose this option if you're looking for a quick transition to the garden.


* Small plants hate big pots. When potting up to a large size, do it in steps and avoid pots that are more than twice the size of the pot it came in.


**Be mindful that this is still a young plant and care watering will be key to its success - especially during the Summer months.

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Why use these pots and why not ship bare root?

This style of pot is designed to promote Air Pruning* of roots and discourage roots spiraling in the container. We ship in these pots to protect the roots, especially the Proteoid Roots** found on members of the Protea family. We want to you to receive a plant in its healthiest state, ready to thrive in your garden.



* Roots grow out of the opening at the base of the pot into dry air which stops their growth or air pruned. Once a root is air pruned, many new roots develop to replace it. These are then in turn air pruned and replaced by even more roots. Air pruning creates a root system with a large mass of young vigorous roots that help the plant succeed in its new location.


** Proteoid Roots, are plant roots that form dense clusters of short lateral rootlets. They generally form a
1-4" thick mat just beneath the mulch layer. They are thought to leach small amounts of acid (harmless to humans and soil critters) to improve nutrient accessibility. These roots are specialists at surviving in low phosphorus environments and are therefore harmed by too much Phosphorus (the P in NPK) present in most fertilizers. Damaging these roots by bare rooting before shipping often harms the plant and its ability to feed itself.


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