(Cutting Grown)
Cantua volcanica is a stunning little shrub native to Peru, where it is now endangered. Its purple/blue flowers peak in clusters throughout the cooler months but will often bloom during the warmer months too.
The plant prefers full sun and well-draining soil, and can grow up to 3-4' tall in rich soil. In leaner (succulent) soils it tends to stay a bit lower and has a more open look.
Flower Color: Purple
Bloomtime: Year-round
Height: 2-4 feet
Width: 2-4 feet
Exposure: Sun or Filtered Sun
Soil Type: Good Drainage
Cold Tolerance: 22-24f
Irrigation requirements: Low Once Established
Cantua volcanica
Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 2 reviews
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I have lusted for this plant for a few years now. Waltzing Matilija is the first retail source I've found. Having purchased plants from this nursery before, I knew that the plant I ordered would be in excellent health. The entire online shopping process was simple and efficient. I arranged to pick up my plant in person, and when I did so, it was just as expected. Great plant for a dry garden, should be more widely grown. Thanks to Waltzing Matilija for making it available!
I've had this plant on my (very long) wishlist of difficult-to-find-plants. Super stoked to find a source. The plant arrived in great condition and acclimated seamlessly in my dry, inland climate (Fresno, CA).